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July 2009 Archives

July 9, 2009

Ospreys with three chicks - being fed by mom

Three baby chicks being feed in Virginia Beach.
High sun, boat to low to get a good shot. Learned that only the mother feeds
what the dad catches. The mother tears the fish and offers it to the chick.
These chicks are only about 4 weeks old.
Pictures from 4 weeks ago only showed nest building and no chicks.
Must have been eggs in the nest.

click on pic for larger version

July 14, 2009

Stoney's Again.

Zinnias again. The field beside Stoney's in Virginia Beach is full of flowers.
Maybe I should buy some this year.
Need a big vase.

Click on pic for larger version

July 26, 2009

Water Skiing on Broad Bay, Virginia Beach Va.

What else is there to do on Sunday Morning at 6:30 AM ?
Calm water but not reflective as I had hoped due to a SW wind.
How cool would a complete reflection of the skier be in a tight turn!

Norm, Martha and Andy "tore it up" as I drank coffee and shot 600 frames.

The Canon 1D-MKIII at 10 frames a second creates a lot of pictures.
Half in the trash! Some great 10-12 frame sequences for the "Pro"

click on pic for larger version

July 28, 2009

Cozumel Carnival

Cozumel Mexico has a great family carnival in February each year.

The parade, down the main waterfront drive, goes on for hours for several nights.
Every child in town is either in the parade or on the sidewalks in costume.
Cute kids and unbelievable colors in these handmade costumes.

I just started looking at these pictures. I will put a few more on the blog of the
young kids very soon.

This carnival is a must see if you ever have a chance.

Click on picture for larger version.

About July 2009

This page contains all entries posted to Charles W Guthrie in July 2009. They are listed from oldest to newest.

June 2009 is the previous archive.

August 2009 is the next archive.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.