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June 2009 Archives

June 3, 2009

Pool Art

Mentor Master Crumley opened the pool studio and was shooting various models.
I shot a few frames and did not do very well. I then saw the three colors of material laying beside the pool.
Off we went to try a few things!
This shot was underexposed because I lost my strobes and was tring to shoot with
ambient light.

I liked the way it looked. Sometimes a mistake catches your eye.

Click on pic for larger version.

Lynnhaven River Now (LRN)

I am submitting pictures with the hope of being published again in the
LRN Calendar.

One can only submit 5 pictures and it is always a stressful time picking
which pictures to send.

This year I have asked all my critics which ones they would chose.
This is one NO ONE has selected as a possibility.

Click on Pic for larger version.

June 10, 2009

Eagle and Eaglet in Virginia Beach

The eaglet on the right of the Eagle, named "duchess" by the community,
has not yet flown.
The experts say she will fly any day and leave then area.

This was a overcast low light shot from about 120 feet. It would have been better if
I could have gotten some light on the eaglet.

The father just brought back a fish he had stolen from a Osprey.
The Osprey was very upset and was flying around the top of the tree.

For better shots of the eaglet, click Here

Click on pic for larger version

June 18, 2009

Becca Testing at Taekwondo

Becca McSweeney was testing for her next belt in Taekwondo
with her instructor Todd Megenity. A great prgram!
The intensity was great along with the respect she showed the instructors.

Many fun shots click on this Link
My daughter borrowed one of the cameras and took
pictures. She did a good job!

click on any picture for a larger view

June 27, 2009

Lynnhaven Inlet, Hot sunset

Strong hot sun.
Always wondered if you could burn a sensor out in the camera.
It was hard on my eyes when I shoot this picture.

The clouds were almost purple.
A storm was approaching and boats where heading to port.
Ended up being a "Hell of a storm"

Click on picture for larger version

About June 2009

This page contains all entries posted to Charles W Guthrie in June 2009. They are listed from oldest to newest.

May 2009 is the previous archive.

July 2009 is the next archive.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.