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August 2008 Archives

August 1, 2008

Three Piles, Lynnhaven Inlet

Little flash on the piles for the texture.

Click for larger version

August 7, 2008


3,000 variations around the world of the Sea Slug or Sea Snail.
The common group name is Nudibranchia
Phonetic sound is "noo-duh-brangk"

Click for larger Version

August 18, 2008

Assignment for Gee

Gee Faison wanted a picture for a new web site for his business.
I took some pictures of sunsets on the lower Chesapeake Bay.
The sun was great and required very little changes.
This PDF generated picture shows the before/after results of one shot.
The original is on the left.

Click picture for larger version

August 20, 2008

Reflections II

Liz and Christina.
Cut off the their heads in the reflection pool.
Will not do that next time.

Click Picture for larger version

August 21, 2008

Head and Butt Shoot

All the riders like the lower type picture.
The top shot gives you another perspective of the horse's performance.

This is Nicole at a local show with a jumper named "Paulie"
I wonder how this male horse feels about a barn name that ends in "ie"?

click pic for larger picture

August 28, 2008

Laura Deas, Photographer & Mermaid-in-training

In the pool with Ms. Laura Deas a professional photographer.
Ms Deas was working as a intern to Mr. Crumely to learn more
about the underwater shooting environment. She wanted to try the mermaid role.
I choose to work on creating the reflection from the surface.

Click on pic for larger version

August 31, 2008

Squat Anemone Shrimp, Truk Lagoon Micronesia

I was reviewing old files of Truk Lagoon, Micronesia, and
found a few pictures I did not remember.
The spotted Squat Anemone Shrimp run between 1/4 to 3/4's of a inch long.
I suspect this fellow was in the 3/4 inch range.
You can find them around anemones throughout the world.

This was shoot with a Canon 20D, 50mm Macro, ISO100 at f5.6
at 1/125. A higher f-stop would have made a better picture.
My mentor will not like the shot. The eyes are not in focus!
BUT the butt and Anemone are clear.

Listening to "Leviatan" by Yngwie Malmsteen
from the Guitars rule the word album.

Click pic for larger version

About August 2008

This page contains all entries posted to Charles W Guthrie in August 2008. They are listed from oldest to newest.

July 2008 is the previous archive.

September 2008 is the next archive.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.