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William Albert Allard Workshop

Mr. Allard is a renowned photographer, as of late with National Geographic Magazine. His work is famous in the photo documentary world and beyond. He taught a 5 day workshop on the puzzle of a picture. I took this picture trying to show the expression of the proud mother watching the “rocking out” child in front of street performers.

It failed!
Why is the Child out of focus; the dog is not watching the child; dad’s face is covered; frame cut off a little at the bottom; Not enough of the cello player; too many people in the back ground; two light temps.

Two steps left, a little wider and lower shot and the problems would go away.
Plus.. Whistle at the dog.

Maybe next time.

Click on pic for larger version


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on June 15, 2008 6:00 PM.

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