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September 2007 Archives

September 1, 2007

Great Blue Heron, Flying !

They look awkward when walking but they are graceful in flight.
Their wing span is large and very colorful.
They do a squat and jump to get started flying.
......wish I could do that!

click for a larger version

September 4, 2007

Marsh Hen

Another minnow bites the dust (mud)...

September 14, 2007

White Egret stabbing a Spot (type fish).

Early AM and the sun is just coming up. This Egret was very interested in something.
The camera was lying in the back all setup. I grabbed the camera and then it was all over in two minutes.
Did not even have time to reset the camera to get the ISO up!

Note how the fish is stabbed with the beak.
I have never seen that before today. Wish I could have shot fast enough
to get the stabbing. They were all blurred!
The fun part, was taking pictures of her getting the fish off her beak.

CLICK for larger image.

September 30, 2007

Brithday Shots

Chris Crumley was doing his signature in pool shots. I asked if I could check out
my new underwater housing for the 5D Canon. He showed me how to take this shot.
Great fun except for the poor lady who endured 100's of pictures.
Learned something new on my birthday.


We have been working on a large reflecting pool to shot a custom motorcycle and
car. This shot is just a proof of concept picture. Concept is working.
A few more things to work on and we will be ready.Next the motorcycle!

Friends at WayBeyondProductions.com have a great reflection pool
but a little small for a car and motorcycle. You should check out their stuff.

Click picture for larger version.

About September 2007

This page contains all entries posted to Charles W Guthrie in September 2007. They are listed from oldest to newest.

August 2007 is the previous archive.

October 2007 is the next archive.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.