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First Underwater Camera - Whale shark in Galapagos

I got my first underwater digital camera (Canon A20) in 2001. I was having a terrible time shooting the camera till I got a little support from Chris Crumley.
This camera shot 2 Meg, burned thru batteries and tended to fog-up in cold water.

My first major (non- Caribbean) trip was to the Galapagos Islands. Truly a great place in 2002. This would be my chance to try to use what Crumley had taught me.

One afternoon, I was leaving the bottom to resurface. As I got to about 30 feet, I turned and saw a 30 foot whale shark about to run me over.
The situation is documented in the picture in the top left. She then dipped her head (picture top right) not to bump into me.

I slid over the top of her while rubbing the sand paper skin with my glove hand. I got a photo of the tail (bottom left) as I was sliding down the back.
As I fell off the shark, I turned and shot again. My heart rate was out of the roof.
Not great pictures but a great story.

All the sharks that week where pregnant females.

Click on picture for larger version.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 25, 2011 4:05 PM.

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