« Jerry Harris Original - Blue Heron and White Egret | Main | Potato Cod feed Australia »

Western Branch of Lynnhaven River

Heading home last night after a nice cocktail party at Scott Crumley's beautiful home.
I was "PUTTIN'" along in the skiff as the sun was setting and saw an Osprey
take a fish to the nest.

The sky was on fire and thought I would try for a silhouette.
Got a parent and the baby!
A little dark..

Click on this link for more!

Lighten the last picture to put on this blog.
Yea they are all a little dark !

Click on pick for larger version.

Listening to Santana , "Singing Winds, Cry Beast" from the album Abraxas


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on June 6, 2010 7:38 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Jerry Harris Original - Blue Heron and White Egret .

The next post in this blog is Potato Cod feed Australia .

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