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Lynnhaven Fishing Pier - Damaged last November

The pier was damaged by a Northeaster last fall 11/12/2009.
This is the first chance I had to take pictures from the water.

They are starting to repair it now.

I bought a bench with my fathers name etched on the back as a memorial.
He loved that old pier. It was a hang-out for him when he was younger.

He was a friend of "Old Man Cashman". Mr. Cashman's daughter Bobbie now owns the pier.

Shot at f/22, ISO 50, 1/160sec at 16mm (wide angle)

Click on pic for larger version


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 23, 2010 3:41 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Australia - Great Barrier Reef - Anemone and False Clown Fish.

The next post in this blog is Jerry Harris Original - Blue Heron and White Egret .

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