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The Book I "MACRO"

I did a book for family and friends this holiday.
The picture above is the dust warp.
Great contributions from Chris Crumley (mentor and gear "suggestor" - new word) and Tina MacFarlane (editing)!
Got a bit carried away with 284 pages... But what the heck!


"Finding the camera helped me find a way to express what I feel. The detail and beauty of “close-up” or macro photography define my love of detail, nature and color. For me, macro photography is easier than the more traditional photography of people, things, animals, etc. As I photographed more, I realized I was drawn to the color and patterns of images that were shot in close proximity to the subject."

Click for larger version of cover


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 3, 2009 11:01 AM.

The previous post in this blog was Soft Corals - Truk Lagoon Micronesia.

The next post in this blog is Risbecia Chromodorididae, Nudibranch.

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