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June 2008 Archives

June 1, 2008

Dr. Roger Geyer, UVA Hooding

A great friend Roger Geyer graduated with his PhD. this spring from UVA. Roger invited me to attend his Hooding.
I was honored to be there. Actually I did not know what a hooding entailed!

It is a wonderful but simple ceremony where the graduate is the center of attention as comments are read about them.
Their Professors/advisors write the comments. The hood refers to a colored hood that is draped over their shoulders.
The color is based on the academic school from which one graduates.

Before it started I saw a lone chair in the middle of the stage. The chair was a little nicer then the rest. A color tablecloth was the only thing that stood out on the stage. I took the picture not knowing the symbolism and how well it defined the ceremony.

Click on pic for larger version

Scouting Charlottesville Va.

I am off to a workshop with William Allard (famous National Geographic photographer)
in Charlottesville Va.

We will be doing natural/human condition type photographs during the workshop.
I went up for the day to get tours from several people who know the area.
The countryside is beautiful and full of old things.

Click on pic for larger version

June 8, 2008


Taking a workshop with William Allard (National Geographic) on the methods and art of taking people pictures. He suggested that bars where a great place to shoot many different types of people. I took his advice. Great cornet jazz player. A little dark!
Was shooting the Canon SD20 pocket camera without strobe...

June 15, 2008

William Albert Allard Workshop

Mr. Allard is a renowned photographer, as of late with National Geographic Magazine. His work is famous in the photo documentary world and beyond. He taught a 5 day workshop on the puzzle of a picture. I took this picture trying to show the expression of the proud mother watching the “rocking out” child in front of street performers.

It failed!
Why is the Child out of focus; the dog is not watching the child; dad’s face is covered; frame cut off a little at the bottom; Not enough of the cello player; too many people in the back ground; two light temps.

Two steps left, a little wider and lower shot and the problems would go away.
Plus.. Whistle at the dog.

Maybe next time.

Click on pic for larger version

About June 2008

This page contains all entries posted to Charles W Guthrie in June 2008. They are listed from oldest to newest.

May 2008 is the previous archive.

July 2008 is the next archive.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.