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March 2008 Archives

March 16, 2008

Inlet Spice Class

Spice is a VERY DIFFICULT class at the Inlet Gym. The Spice instructor, Bruce, takes the class on a non-stop, fast pace routine that is not for the weak of heart.
This young lady was "kicking butt"!
Notice both her feet are off the ground in the 3rd frame.
These four frames where taken in just over 1 second.

Click on Pic for larger version

March 22, 2008

79th Street, Storm Water Project Pier

A beautiful night, full orange moon came up in a blue sky with just enough wispy clouds for great pictures.
A lady and a dog walked by and said, “It must be your lucky night”.
The problem was I forgot to bring a photographer with me. Wanted to throw all the shots away!

Click on pic for larger version

March 28, 2008

Canon 1D, Osprey landing Lynnhaven

I was using Chris C’s Canon 1D that shoots 10 frames a second in this Osprey landing.
This is every other frame of the less then 2 second landing sequence.

Click on this line to see all shots.
Look at the extended talons!

Click on pic for larger version

About March 2008

This page contains all entries posted to Charles W Guthrie in March 2008. They are listed from oldest to newest.

February 2008 is the previous archive.

April 2008 is the next archive.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.