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Arlo & Lesley Guthrie Wedding, Chicago.

Beautiful wedding! The groom’s vow of commitment about made me cry.
Lesley and Arlo designed and choreographed the entire event. I use the word choreographed because it was beautifully done, flowed and was all in sync like an exotic dance. Even the color of the orchids matched the color scheme of the invitations, the specially designed cake and the accent pillows in the reception facility. I guess that’s what you get when two talented graphic artists “get hitched”.
The food was killer......


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on July 7, 2007 11:22 AM.

The previous post in this blog was White Egret's Illegal Catch..

The next post in this blog is Zinnias at Stoney's shop in Va. Beach #2.

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