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November 2006 Archives

November 2, 2006

Long Creek Reflections

These Fishing Boats are beside Inlet Fitness in Virginia Beach, VA.
A very tranquil night allowed detail reflections of the boats.
The longer exposure time caused the star like look around the lights.

November 12, 2006

Cozumel, Mexico - Last Night

We have spent every day shooting pictures. It has been a great learning week for me.
This sunset capped off the end of beautiful trip.
Whatever God you pray too, he did a great job with his sky tonight.
This shot was taken from the east coast of Cozumel.

November 13, 2006

Red Night Shrimp, Mexico

A night dive at Paradise reef always brings out those
critters that hide all day. This Red Night Shrimp usually
about an inch long, is a common sight. But look quick, he is shy
and will quickly sink back into the recesses of the coral.

November 15, 2006

Damaged "Surfer" Hotel, Cozumel Mexico

Chris Crumley and Christina McFarlane patiently gave me instruction in the art of shooting land and underwater models.
There is a lot to do to create an acceptable picture.
It will take a lot more practice!
The "hotel" is located at Puta Moreno on the windward side of Cozumel.

November 22, 2006

Lettuce Sea Slug, Cozumel Mexico

Drift diving in the flats area near Paradise Reef we came upon a lone
Rock. The Mexican dive master pointed it out the ½ inch Sea Slug.
The 100mm macro lenses capture more detail then I could see.

November 25, 2006

Pike Blenny, Cozumel Mexico

This might be a Blue Throat Blenny but color on the throat is not exact. All Blenny are very territorial. This Blenny thinks the reflection in the mirror is a trespasser trying to take his hiding place. Just like a male, puffs out the chest, spreads out the sail fin and goes nose to nose. Fairly small fish (notice the fingernail). Shot with 100 mm macro Canon lens and a 20D camera (click on picture for larger version).

The book Femme LaMer, Mexico

When you see the results of Chris Crumley’s work your mind
drifts in the fantasies and beauty. The book he is working on,
Femme LaMer, is a great example(www.chriscrumley.com/BookFemmeLaMer.html).
I had the chance to watch Chris work and took a few
shots myself. Many technical problems with this picture
but it was my first in this category.

November 30, 2006

Edgar Allan Poe, Agony!

Bridgett Day is working on a portfolio to
accompany a college application to a major art school.
She asked if I could help photograph her work.
I was really taken by this painting of a character
conceived by Poe. I feel agony! What do you feel?

About November 2006

This page contains all entries posted to Charles W Guthrie in November 2006. They are listed from oldest to newest.

October 2006 is the previous archive.

December 2006 is the next archive.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.